SCOTUS Is Massively Trending On Social Media Among Young Adults
getty A picture altered to show President Biden pulling down the American flag. A meme about the Supreme Court justices with the words “corrupt” emblazoned across the top. A couple of totally unprintable messages that describe what happens when angry young adults start to rebel. Here are some of the warning signs. a trending term on social media . SCOTUS, or the Supreme Court of the United States (or SCOTUS), is in the spotlight because of its two important rulings on affirmative action and student loans. You can imagine that young adults who are currently attending college or have just graduated do not like this. Looking at the accounts of many of the posters, it’s obvious this has hit a nerve with this demographic. I was particularly interested in the allegations that the Court is corrupt and favours certain political and religious parties. What’s most interesting about this trending topic is that social media is a great place to gauge the temperature of people online, at lea...